

  • 國立高雄第一科技大學電通系第7任系主任
  • 國立高雄第一科技大學圖資館館長
  • 海軍通信電子學校專業科目教官
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網際網路與Java技術 影像與語音處理 多媒體與3D圖學 電腦網路與資訊安全 數位信號處理與通訊系統 信號處理晶片與單晶片應用 軟體工程 Web-Based資訊系統開發 物件導向分析與設計 專案管理 網路電話 崁入式系統 J2EE與Web-Service...
研究計畫: 基於SOA之智慧感知多媒體互動應用程式基礎架構開發,100.11.01~101.10.31,國科會,主持人 CAN轉換USB模組應用於電動車輛開發與維護系統,100.09.01~105.08.31,金達利科技有限公司,主持人 LED與ICT整合應用於輔助照明之共同研究計畫,100.09.01~103.03.31,坤銘科技股份有限公司,主持人 TQC專業證照技術服務計畫,100.09.01~100.12.31,中華民國電腦技能基金會,主持人 專利侵權鑑定與專利分析諮詢,100.09.01~100.11.30,?嘉數位科技股份有限公司,主持人 苓雅區智慧生活體驗家,100.09.01~101.02.29,公信電子股份有限公司,主持人 100年度大專畢業生創業服務計畫─翔源資訊工作室,100.08.01~101.01.31,教育部,null 100年度學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-特用型LED豆燈模組開發與半自動化產線開發先期研究計畫,100.07.01~100.12.31,財團法人金屬工業研究中心,主持人 冷鏈追蹤系統與Dashboard開發設計,100.06.02~100.10.02,丞易國際有限公司,主持人 油漆式速記教學訓練系統-電腦英文專業字彙,100.05.20~100.12.31,榮欽科技股份有限公司,主持人 中小企業即時技術輔導計畫-OGC SWE Sensor platform 設計與建置,100.04.21~100.09.20,經濟部工業局,主持人 文化替代役訓練營行政協助與教學成效評估,99.08.17~100.06.30,社團法人台灣職業人資發展策進會,主持人 99年度大專畢業生創業服務計畫,99.08.04~100.02.03,教育部,主持人 基於差分訊號之MPEG音訊壓縮長短視窗決策演算法,99.08.01~100.07.31,國科會,主持人 適用於德語為母語者及符合歐盟規範之華語旅遊會話教材及教學法暨其學習輔助軟體的整合設計與開發II,99.08.01~100.07.31,國科會,共同主持人 平價5.1環繞音效2.4G無線耳機技術先期開發,98.01.01~98.12.31,教育部,主持人 低總持有成本之RFID圖書資訊管理系統設計與實作,97.06.01~98.01.31,教育部,主持人 服務導向架構XDNA客戶端元件於J2ME上的實現,96.11.01~97.10.31,國科會,主持人 ADL SampleRTE 學習管理系統重構與功能擴充,96.08.01~97.07.31,國科會,主持人 WEB Service UDDI 系統實作,95.08.01~96.07.31,國科會,主持人 軟體工程學程推廣計畫(9505~9601),95.05.01~96.01.01,教育部,主持人 整合開放源碼FileZella FTP及函式庫OpenSSL實作安全的FTP伺服器及其學習網站的設置,92.12.01~93.10.31,國科會,主持人 汽車水箱業進銷存資訊系統,92.10.01~94.12.31,連冠企業股份有限公司,主持人 整合開放源碼FileZella FTP及函式庫OpenSSL實作安全的FTP伺服器及其學習網站的設置,92.12.01~93.10.31,國科會,主持人 具門檻選擇之雙路徑影像區塊移動向量估測法之研究,91.08.01~92.07.31,國科會,主持人 網路多媒體教材整合編輯系統,90.08.01~91.07.31,國科會,主持人 具RSA公開金鑰密碼系統資料驗證功能之網際網路NTP時間伺服器的實現,89.08.01~90.07.31,國科會,主持人 WWW上結合聲紋之身分驗證技術開發,89.08.01~90.07.31,國科會,主持人 用於中文語音辨認後置處理之改良式新詞拒絕技術,88.08.01~89.07.31,國科會,主持人 用於中文語音辨認後置處理之新詞拒絕技術,87.08.01~88.07.31,國科會,主持人 期刊論文: Wei-Chih Hsu, Cheng-Hsiu Li,“An Adaptively-guiding Web-based E-learning System Based on Competency-based Learning Theory, ” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. no No. Vols. 284-287(EI), 2013, pp.3305~3309 Wei-Chih Hsu, Cheng-Hsiu Li,“A Competency-based Guided-learning Algorithm Applied on Adaptively-guiding E-learning, ” Interactive Learning Environment(SSCI), Vol. 0 No. 0(SSCI), 2012, pp.0~0 Shih-Chang Hsia, Wei-Chih Hsu and Cheng-Liang Tsai,“High-efficiency TV video noise reduction through adaptive spatial–temporal frame filtering, ” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. no No. 10.1007/s11554-012-0297-y(SCI), 2012, pp.1~5 Shih-Chang Hsia,Wei-Chih Hsu and Sheng-Chieh Lee,“LOW-COMPLEXITY HIGH-QUALITY ADAPTIVE DEBLOCKING FILTER FOR H.264/AVC SYSTEM, ” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. Vol.27 No. no(SCI), 2012, pp.749~759 Wei-Chih Hsu, Cheng-Hsiu Li,“An Adaptively-guiding Web-based E-learning System Based on Competency-based Learning Theory, ” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. no No. Vols. 284-287(EI), 2013, pp.3305~3309 Shih-Chang Hsia, Wei-Chih Hsu & Shih-Ren Wu,“A fast rate-distortion optimization algorithm for H.264/AVC codec, ” Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol. DOI 10.1007 No. s117-011-0282-0(SCI), 2011, pp.1~14 Wei-Chih Hsu, Tsan-Ying Yu,“A Novel Creative Thinking Model to Pattern Recognition, ” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. doi.10.4028 No. vol.145(EI), 2011, pp.598~602 Wei-Chih Hsu, Tsan-Ying Yu,“Wafer Identification Recognition by Stroke Analysis and Template Matching, ” Sensor Letters, Vol. doi.10.1166 No. vol.10(SCI), 2011, pp.1223~1229 Wei-Chih Hsu , Jung-Nan Sun , Huai-I Wang,“An Approach to Tone Recognition of Mandarin Speech Based-on Two-stage Model, ” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. vol.145 No. 297(SCI), 2011, pp.297~303 Wei-Chih Hsu, Cheng-Hsiu Li,“Using Script Command to Conquer the Narrowband Constraint in Synchronous Long-distance Teaching System, ” Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Vol. Sci.6 No. no.2S(SCI), 2012, pp.685~695 Shih-Chang Hsia, Wei-Chih Hsu & Ying-Chao Chou,“Fast low-complexity computation and realtime architecture for H.264/AVC intraprediction, ” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing(SCI), Vol. DOI 10.1007 No. s11554-012(SCI), 2012, pp.245~252 Wei-Chih Hsu, Jung-Nan Sun,“A Study of the Usefulness of Linear Prediction Residual for Speaker Recognition, ” Advanced Science Letter, vol.9卷no.1期(SCI), 2011, pp.754~761 Wei-Chih Hsu,Chang-Hsiu Li,“Implementation and Effective Evaluation of the Portable MOODLE E-learning Platform, ” American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research, Vol. Vol.11 No. No.12(EI), 2011, pp.1390~1393 Shih-Chang Hsia, Wei-Chih Hsu & Ying-Chao Chou,“Fast low-complexity computation and realtime architecture for H.264/AVC intraprediction, ” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing(SCI), Vol. DOI 10.1007 No. s11554-012(SCI), 2012, pp.245~252 Wei-Chih Hsu,Chao-Fang Su,Wang huai i,“Combining Modified Diamond Model and System implementation Stage to Explore the ERP and MES System integration Critical Factors, ” American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research /, Vol. Vol. 11 No. No.12(EI), 2011, pp.1384~1389 Wei-Chih Hsu , Ming-Hui Wang,“A Fast Algorithm for Solving the Minimum Distance Problem between Two Circular Hulls, ” Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, vol.40卷2期(EI), 2011, pp.69~77 Wei-Chih Hsu, Tsan-Ying Yu,,“E-mail Spam Filtering Based on Support Vector Machines with Taguchi Method for Parameter Selection, ” JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol. 5 No. 8(EI), 2010, pp.78~88 Wei-Chih Hsu,Jung-non Sun,Cheng-Wei Ma,“A long-short block decision and time-domain algorithm applied to MP3 encoding, ” JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol. 6 No. 7(EI), 2011, pp.10~21 Wei-Chih ,Tsan-Ting Yu,Jan-Lie Guo,“Enhanced Block Motion Estimation Based on Threshole-Aware Two-Path Search Method, ” Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 5卷5期(EI), 2010, pp.99~110 W.-C. Hsu, T.-Y. Yu, and K.-L. Chen,“Robust wafer identification recognition based on asterisk-shape filter and high-low score comparison method, ” Applied Optics, 48卷35期(SCI), 2009, pp.6606~6620 Shih-Chang Hhia, Wei-Chih Hsu,“A Parallel Median Filter with Pipelined Scheduling for Real-Time 1D and 2D Signal Procesing, ” IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol. E83 No. 7(SCI(含Expanded)), 2000, pp.733~747 Wei-Chih Hsu, Jenho Tsao,“Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio, ” Journal og Chinese Institue of Engineers, Vol. 16 No. 6 (SCI(含Expanded)), 1993, pp.733~747 研討會論文: Fang-dar Chu, Chia-Shu Liao, Wen-Hung Tseng, Yi-Jiun Huang, Huang-Tien Lin, Wei-Chih Hsu, and Pei-Yih Ting#,A Study of Ionospheric Effects on Next-Generation Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer,Workshop & Symposium The Business End of Metrology NCSL International,2012.07 Wei-Chih Hsu , Yenta Chiu,An Application of Reliability Analysis on the Signaling System of the Kaohsiung Metro,2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control,2012.06 Wei-Chih Hsu , Shih-Tsung Liu,Design and Implementation of CAN-USB Converter Based on ARM7 Serial Protocol API,2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control,2012.06 Wei-Chih Hsu, Pao-Yao Wang, and Chuan-Wen Chiang,A Virtual Wealth Trading Model ~ Design and Implementation,2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control,2012.06 Wei-Chih Hsu,Chao-Fang Su,Wang huai I,Combining Modified Diamond Model and System implementation Stage to Explore the ERP and MES System integration Critical Factors,American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu,Chang-Hsiu Li,implementation and Effective Evaluation of the Portable MOODLE E-learning Platform,American Journal of Engineering and Technology Research,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu1, Tsan-Ying Yu,Novel Creative Thinking Model to Pattern Recognition Problem Solving,ICETI 2011 Proceedings of the first International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu , Jung-Nan Sun , Huai-I Wang,n Approach to Tone Recognition of Mandarin Speech Based-on Two-stage Model,ICETI 2011 Proceedings of the first International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu1 , Cheng-Hsiu Li,sing Script Command to Conquer the Narrowband Constraint in Synchronous Long-distance Teaching System,ICETI 2011 Proceedings of the first International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu1 , Jung-Nan Sun,A Study of the Usefulness of Linear Prediction Residual for Speaker Recognition,ICETI 2011 Proceedings of the first International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011,2011.11 Wei-Chih Hsu,1 Tsan-Ying Yu,Wafer Identification Recognition by Stroke Analysis and Template Matching,ICETI 2011 Proceedings of the first International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011,2011.11 Chu, Fang-Dar ,Chen, Wei-Sheng ,Lee, Chien-Chih,Hsu, Wei-Chih , Lin, Huang-Tien ,Liao, Chia-Shu ,Characteristics of Low Latitude Nocturnal Ionospheric Irregularities over India-Arab Longitudes during Solar Maximum , General Assembly and Scientific Symposium,2011.10 Chia-Shu Liao, Fand-Dar Chu, Huang-Tien Lin, Yi-Jiun Huang,Formation of a paper neural-fuzzy time scale in the eastern Asia , Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS) ,2011.05 Lin, H.T. ; Huang, Y.J. ; Liao, C.S. ; Chu, F.D. ; Tseng, W.H. ; Wei-Chih Hsu,Improvement of the Asia-Pacific TWSTFT Network Performance Utilizing DPN results ,Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International, ,2011.05 Chao-Fang Su,Wei-Chih Hsu,ERP system and MES system Integration Critical Factors and Benefit Analysis Model,中華民國第一屆2011網路智能與應用研討會,2011.04 徐偉智,陳建豪,林雍傑,元件式軟體開發技術於Inter-ProcessCommunication軟體實作之應用研究,NST2010,2010.12 Wei-Chih ,Tsan-Ting Yu,Jan-Lie Guo,Enhanced Block Motion Estimation Based on Threshole-Aware Two-Path Search Method,Journal of Convergence Information Technology,2010.11 Chao-Fang Su,Wei-Chih Hsu,ERP system and MES system Integration Critical Factors and Benefit Analysis Model,中華民國第一屆2011網路智能與應用研討會,2011.04 Wei-Chih Hsu , Tsan-Ying Yu,E-mail Spam Filtering Using Support Vector Machines with Selection of Kernel Function Parameter,The Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control,2009.12 徐偉智,彭建贏,具盤點與順架功能的RFID圖書管理系統,電子商務與產業電子化研討會,2010.03 徐偉智,黃靖閔,Java Security API 與OpenSSLJNI 之效能比較,2010 電子通訊與應用研討會,2010.05 程武凰、徐偉智(2009),運用影像內涵製作四方體表面材質,2009電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會,2009.08 徐偉智,程武凰,賴玟杏,creating 3D objects using the image rotion,2009電腦視覺、圖學暨影像處理研討會,2009.08 徐偉智,林南賢,機器學習式垃圾郵件偵測技術之比較研究,2010 年工程科技研究成果聯合發表會,2010.04 徐偉智,簡仲楷,UDDI伺服器功能增進設計與實作,第十八屆物件導向技術及應用研討會,2007.09 徐偉智、吳俊德,WWW上結合聲紋確認機制之身分驗證系統,2001 TANET 研討會,2001.01 陳瑞山,徐偉智,楊啟航,人文與科技的嫡子:網路文學教室,第三屆國際電腦與多媒體語文教學研討會,2001.01 Wei-Chih Hsu, Shih-Chang Hsia,An Efficient Nonkeyword Rejection Scheme for Mandarin Speech Recogniton,1999 IEEE TENCON,1999.01 Shih-Chang Hsia, Wei-Chih Hsu,A Low Power Optiomal Motion Search Algorithm,1999 IEEE TENCON ,1999.01 學術活動: 2013創業教育論壇暨成果發表會 數位時代的content創作與產業思維系列實務講座 Soc嵌入式系統發展實務與應用研討會 2005年訊息及通訊研討會暨互動式數位學習行動網路平台成果發表會