•(A)期刊論文(27篇) •1. Chang, H. P., Chen, C. C., Guo, G. J., Cheng, Y. J., Lin, C. Y. & Jen, T. H. (2011). The development of a competence scale for learning science: Inquiry and communication. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9(5), 1213-1233. (NSC95-2522-S-018-001-MY3). (SSCI) •2. Chang, H. P., Chen, J. Y., Guo, C. J., Chen, C. C., Chang, C. Y., Lin, S. H., S, W. J., Lain, K. D., Hsu, S. Y., Lin, J. L., Chen, C. C., Cheng, Y. T., Wang, L. S., & Tseng, Y. T. (2007). Investigating primary and secondary students’ learning of physics concepts in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 29(4), 465-482. (NSC 92-2511-S-018-012 & NSC 95-2522-S-018-001-MY3). (SSCI) •3. 郭重吉、邱美虹、黃台珠、張惠博、張俊彥、周進洋、王國華、陳忠志、譚克平和黃鴻博(2010):中小學學生科學學習成果的評量架構與命題示例之研發。科學教育學刊,17(6),459-479。 (TSSCI) •4. 蔡佩穎、張惠博、林雅慧和張文華(2010):小組立場、小組組成及文本特性對於學生論證生殖遺傳新聞之效應。科學教育學刊,18(3),253-276。(TSSCI) •5. 林雅慧、張惠博、葉辰楨和張文華(2010):錨定寫作教學對不同教師互動知覺學生的科學學習影響之研究。科學教育學刊,18(6),493-519。(TSSCI) •6. 蔡興國、陳錦章和張惠博(2010):高中學生解題歷程之力圖表徵與列式關係之研究。科學教育學刊,18(2),155-175。(TSSCI) •7. 郭重吉、邱美虹、黃台珠、張惠博、張俊彥、周進洋、王國華、陳忠志、譚克平和黃鴻博(2009):中小學學生科學學習成果的評量架構與命題示例之研發。科學教育學刊,17(6),459-479。(TSSCI) •8. 林淑梤、張惠博和段曉林(2009):促進實習教師教學學習的夥伴實習輔導。教育科學研究期刊(原名師大學報:教育類),54(1),23-53。(TSSCI) •9. Wu, W., Chang, H.P., & Guo, C. J. (2009). The development of an instrument for technology-integrated science learning environments. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7(1), 207-233. (TSSCI) •10. 林淑梤、張惠博和段曉林(2008):科學實習教師個人實務理論實踐之探究。師大學報:科學教育類,53(2),1-30。(NSC 93-2511-S-018-003)。 •11. 陳均伊和張惠博(2008):一位化學老師實施探究教學的歷程與省思之個案研究—以「火山爆發」教學活動為例。師大學報:科學教育類,53(2),91-123。(NSC 97-2511-S-415-009 & NSC 96-2511-S-415-001)。 •12. 陳均伊、張惠博和郭重吉(2008):中彰地區國中學生對於九年一貫自然課的經驗與態度之研究。科學教育學刊,16(5),495-514。(TSSCI) •13. Wu, W., Chang, H.P., & Guo, C.J. (2008). An empirical assessment of science teachers’ intentions toward technology integration. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 27(4), 499-520. •14. 吳為聖、張惠博和郭重吉(2007):影響國中自然科教師接受資訊科技融入教學之個人因素研究。科學教育學刊,15(5),543-563。 •15. 林雅慧、張文華和張惠博(2007):發展錨定式科學寫作模式之行動研究。科學教育學刊,15(5),1-30。 •16. 林雅慧、蔡佩穎、張惠博和張文華(2007):不同寫作對象對於四年級學生科學寫作內容之影響的探討。師大學報,52,47-76。 •17. 張容君和張惠博(2007):國中學生「燃燒」概念診斷之研究。科學教育學刊,15(6),671-701。 •18. 張容君、張惠博和鄭子善(2007):國二學生對「純物質」和「混合物」之微觀粒子概念研究。科學教育研究與發展季刊,48,33-62。 •19. 鄭一亭和張惠博(2007):在試教情境下探討國中生物教師對於教科書之觀點及其影響因素。科學教育研究與發展季刊,49,19-36。 •20. 陳均伊和張惠博(2007):探究導向教學的理論與實務—以「摩擦力」單元為例。物理教育學刊,8(1),77-90。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002)。 •21. 陳均伊、伍瀀肇、林淑靜、陳義忠、張溫瑜和張惠博(2007):探究教學活動設計與實施—以針孔成像為例。科學教育月刊,301,55-61。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002)。 •22. Wu, W., & Chang, H.P. (2007). Web-based versus classroom learning environments: Perceptions of senior high students and teachers. Journal of Information and Display Technology, 2(1), 13-23. •23. 陳均伊、張惠博、楊巽斐和鄭一亭(2006):以學校為本位的合作式專業成長:一位資深教師的教學信念與反思。科學教育月刊,294,2-14。(NSC 92-2511-S-018-006 & NSC 95- 2511-S-018-002)。 •24. 林淑梤、張惠博、段曉林、姜志忠和楊巽斐(2006):一位高中物理教師對於探究取向科學演示的詮釋以及其實施的影響因素之研究。科學教育學刊,14(6),615-635。(NSC 92-2511-S-018-005 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002)。 •25. 姜志忠、張惠博、林淑梤和鄭一亭(2006):物理史融入教學對提升學生科學認識論瞭解及其學習成效之研究。科學教育學刊,14(6),637-661。(NSC 92-2511-S-018-005 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002)。 •26. 鄭子善和張惠博(2006):錨定歷史教學模式的先導研究。科學教育研究與發展季刊,42,17-36。(NSC 93-2511-S-018-008)。 •27. 鄭子善和張惠博(2006):HPS課程設計與探討--以週期表概念為例。屏東教大科學教育,23,39-50。 • •(B)研討會論文(40篇) •1. 張惠博(2011):數理師資培育的創新:以彰化師大為例。發表於2011年海峽兩岸科學傳播論壇,北京。 •2. Chang, H. P., Chen, C. C., Guo, G. J., Chang, W. H, & Hsu, Y. S. (2009). The Study of Learning Outcomes of Innovative Curriculum Materials to promote Students’ Competency, Confidence, and Cooperation. Paper presented at the ASERA 2009, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. •3. Chang, H. P., Chen, C. C., Guo, G. J., Chien, I. C., & Su, C. H. (2009). Delphi Method Review:A Study of Constructing Appropriate Criterions on Competence in Learning Science Scale for Primary and Middle School Students. Paper presented at the ASERA 2009, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. •4. Chang. H. P., Chen, C. C., Guo, G. J., Lin, G. J., & Jen, T. H. (2007, July). The implementation of 3C science curriculum. Paper presented at the ASERA 2007, Fremantla, W. Australia, Australia. •5. Chang, H. P. (2006, April). The practices and issues of professional development for science teachers in Taiwan. Invited to participate in the session of "Developing a World View for Science Education" of the National Conference on Science Education of the National Science Teachers Association/International Council of Associations for Science Education (NSTA/ICASE), Anaheim, LA. (NSC 94-2511-S-018-003). •6. 丁健峻、張惠博和施昆易(2010)。國中資優生與一般學生奈米科技先備概念之探討。2010數理資優教育與師資培育國際研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC98-2120-S-018 -002 –NM & NSC97-2522-S- 018-002) •7. 施昆易、謝建國、王國華和張惠博(2010)。數理科師資生對利用遠距視訊進行教育服務學習之感受。2010數理資優教育與師資培育國際研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC97-2511-S-018-006-MY3 & NSC97-2522-S- 018-001) •8. 施昆易、張惠博、王國華和陳均伊(2010)。一位中學教師將奈米科技融入科學教學之困境與挑戰。2010中華民國物理年會暨研究成果發表會,國立成功大學。(NSC98-2120-S-018 -002 -NM) •9. Cheng, Y. T., & Chang, H. P.(2011,April). A case study of the interaction on science activies between parents and children in Taiwan. Paper pesented at 2011 National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida. •10. Cheng, Y. T., Chang, H. P., Chang, W. Y., & Chen, J. Y. (2010). Investigating parents' view about involvement in their children's education through a parental science learning group. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA. (NSC 97-2511-S-018 -026 -MY3) •11. Cheng, Y. T. ,Chang, H. P., Chang, W. Y. & Huang, P.T. (2010). The processes of novice teachers' thinking changed in the learning community. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI. •12. Shih, K.Y., Chang, H. P., Wang, K. H., & Hsieh, C. K. (2010). Effectiveness of a network-based collaborative professional development project on teacher professional development: A case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA. •13. Shih, K.Y., Wang, K. H., Chang, H. P., Hsieh, C. K., & Yu, A. S. (2010). Assessing high school students’ perceptions of distance science inquiry learning environment in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan. •14. Shih, K.-Y., Hsieh, C.-K., Wang, K.-H., & Chang, H.-P. (2010, August). A model of network-camera-based education service learning for prospective science teacher. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on Chemical Education, Taipei, Taiwan. (NSC97-2511-S-018-006-MY3 & NSC97-2522-S- 018-001) •15. 施昆易、謝建國、王國華和張惠博(2009)。運用簡易教具促進學生理解透鏡成像概念之教學設計。2009物理教學及示範研討會,東吳大學。(NSC97-2511-S-018-006-MY3)。 •16. 王懋勳、施昆易、陳均伊、張溫瑜和張惠博(2009)。運用動手做活動促進探究導向之科學學習-以「力的作用」單元為例。2009年物理教學及示範研討會,東吳大學。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001)。 •17. 施昆易、文沛然、張惠博和陳均伊(2009)。一位國小初任科學教師於科學教師成長社群中對探究教學之詮釋與轉化。2009全球化趨勢與基礎教育改革國際學術研討會,明道大學。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001)。 •18. 施昆易、張惠博、王國華和劉世雄(2009):運用遠距視訊系統進行職前科學教師實習輔導之個案研究。2009精緻化師資培育研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC97-2511-S-018-006-MY3)。 •19. 施昆易、文沛然、張惠博和陳均伊(2009)。一位國小初任科學教師於科學教師成長社群中對探究教學之詮釋與轉化。全球化趨勢與基礎教育改革國際學術研討會,明道大學。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001)。 •20. Tsai, H. K., Chen, C. C., & Chang, H. P. (2009). A Study of the relationship between high school students’ force diagram representations and capability of Physics Problem-Solving. Paper presented at the ASERA 2009, Geelong, Victoria, Australia. •21. Cheng, Y. T., Chang, H. P., Chang, W. Y., & Chen, J. Y. (2009, April). Curriculum Revision: Exploring Teachers’ Views and Their Affective Factors on New Science Curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Garden Grove, CA. (NSC 97-2511-S-018 -026 -MY3). •22. 施昆易、張惠博、王國華、余安順、董曜瑜和何信權(2008):運用遠距視訊建置專家支持環境促進初任教師專業成長之個案研究。彰雲嘉大學聯盟2008學術研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC97-2511-S-018-006-MY3)。 •23. 施昆易、張惠博和陳均伊(2008):一位國小初任科學教師透過教師成長團體對探究教學觀點之改變。中華民國第二十四屆科學教育學術研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC96-2511-S-415-001)。 •24. 林國楨、張惠博和劉秀嫚(2008):精緻化教育學術研究合作之新思維:以「3C課程區塊研究」學校支持系統評鑑指標建構為例。精緻化師資培育學術研討會,國立彰化師範大學。(NSC95-2522-S-018-001-MY3)。 •25. Chen, J. Y., Chang, H. P., Guo, C. J., & Chang, W. Y. (2008). Infusing inquiry teaching into classroom practice: A junior high school science teacher’s professional development experience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD. (NSC 96-2511-S-415-001 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002). •26. Chen, J. Y. & Chang, H. P. (2008). A case study of investigating a chemistry teacher’ practice and reflection on implementing inquiry teaching: An activity of the volcanic eruption. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI. (NSC 96-2511-S-415-001 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002). •27. 陳均伊、張溫瑜、伍瀀肇、林淑靜、陳義忠和張惠博(2007):物體會有習慣嗎—示範實驗在探究導向教學中的應用。物理教學及示範研討會,逢甲大學。(NSC 96-2511-S-415-001 & NSC 95-2511-S-018-002)。 •28. Chang, R. C., Chang, H. P., & Cheng, T. S. (2007). Diagnostic of junior high school students’ microcosmic particle conceptions of pure substance and amalgam. Paper presented at WorldSTE2007, July 8-12, West Perth, Australia. •29. Chen, J. Y., Chang, H. P., Guo, C. J., & Chang, W. Y. (2007). Put inquiry teaching into practice: A feasible model of infused inquiry teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA. (NSC 95-2511-S-018-002). •30. Cheng, T. S., Chang, H. P., & Chang, R. C. (2007). Inquiry in history of science—A study of the AIH (Anchored in History) instruction. Paper presented at ESERA2007, August 21-25, Sweden. •31. Cheng, T. S., Chang, H. P., & Chang, R. C. (2007). Am I a scientist?--The history of science in the video world. Paper presented at WorldSTE2007, July 8-12, West Perth, Australia. •32. Cheng, T. S., & Chang, H. P. (2007). A study in history of science reaching by AIH (Anchored in History) instruction. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA. •33. Lin, S. F., Chang, H. P., & Tuan, H. L. (2007). Exploring mechanism of science intern teachers' conflicts of their personal practical theory into teaching change during their internship. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, New Orleans, LA. •34. Lin, S. F., Chang, H. P., & Tuan, S. L. (2007). Be yourself or follow Your Mentor: Improve mentees’ teaching change by implementing their personal practice theories. Paper presented at the annual conference Australasian Science Education Research Association. Fremantle, Australia. •35. Lin, S. F., Chang, H. P., Tuan, S. L., & Chang, W. H. (2007). Cogenerative dialogue as an engine of teacher change in partnership mentoring project. Paper presented at the European Science Education Research Association. Malmö, Sweden. •36. Wu, W., & Chang, H.P. (2007). Development and Validation of Technology Integrated Classroom Inventory (TICI) for Technology-enriched Science Learning Environment. The Third Conference on Computer and Network Technology in Education (CNTE 2007), April 19-20, Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. •37. 余杰紘和張惠博(2006):科學教師實施探究教學之個案研究。2006年國民中小學教師專業發展學術研討會,南台科技大學。 •38. 林淑梤、張惠博、段曉林和黃平屯(2006):運用夥伴關係實習輔導模式促進實習教師的教學改變。中華民國第二十二屆科學教育學術研討會,台灣師大。 •39. 陳均伊、張惠博和張溫瑜(2006):在合作式專業成長情境中探討一位化學教師對於探究教學的觀點。中華民國第二十二屆科學教育學術研討會,台灣師大。 •40. Chen, J. Y., Chang, H. P., Chang, W. Y., & Cheng, Y. T. (2006, April). Effect of a Long-term Professional Development: Investigating Science Teachers’ Views about Inquiry-based Teaching. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco, CA. (NSC 94-2511-S-018-003).