

2.代理教務長(97. 2. 1~101.07.31)
3.兼任通識教育中心主任(95. 2. 1~98. 7. 31)
4.代理教務長(94. 8. 1~96. 7. 31)
5.代理電算中心主任(93. 8. 1~94. 7. 31)
6.代理秘書處處長 (92. 8. 1~93. 7. 31)
7.代理電算中心主任 (87. 10. 1~88. 1. 31,89. 8. 1~92. 7. 31)
8.代理教學媒體處處長(87. 2. 5~91. 7. 31)
9.代理大眾傳播學系系主任 (87. 10. 1~88. 1. 31)
研究專長:人工智慧、基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm),計算流體力學,熱傳學,熱力學。
主授課程:計算機概論、資訊概論、套裝軟體應用- PowerPoint、套裝軟體應用- Excel 、科技與生活、自然科學概論。
  1. Kuo, Y.S. (2020). The Effect of Distance Teaching on Academic Achievement in the Online Course of Introduction to Computers Science. Frontiers of Contemporary Education, 1(2), 23-44.
  2. Kuo, Y.S. (2020). Gender Differences in Computer Literacy among Students in the Computer Introduction Course of the Department of Technology Management, Open University of Kaohsiung. Education Journal, 3(3), 52-71.
  3. Hsieh, J. G., Jeng, J. H., Lin, Y. L., & Kuo, Y. S. (2019). Single index fuzzy neural networks using locally weighted polynomial regression. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (368), 82-100. (SCI)
  4. Lin, Y. L., Hsieh, J. G., Kuo, Y. S., & Jeng, J. H. (2016). NXOR- or XOR-based robust template decomposition for cellular neural networks implementing an arbitrary Boolean function via support vector classifiers. Neural Comput & Applic, 28(1), 299-311. (SCI)
  5. Kuo, Y. S. (2004). Learning of the Velocity Distribution in a Hydrocyclone Separator by GA-based Support Vector Machines. International Journal of Open University of Kaohsiung, 1(2), 1-12.
  6. Kuo, Y. S. (2002). Embedding an Exponential Function in a Two-Boundary Grid Generation Technique for the Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Piston-Cylinder System. Numerical Heat Transfer, 41(2), 211-227. (SCI)
  1. Hsieh, J. G., Jeng, J. H., Lin, Y. L., & Kuo, Y. S. (2018). Pathways to Machine Learning and Soft Computing. 美國:美商 EHGBooks 微出版公司.
  2. 謝哲光、鄭志宏、郭英勝、龔志銘、陳軒盈(2018)。實用深度學習。台中市:滄海書局。
  3. 謝哲光,郭英勝,龔志銘,鄭志宏(2018)。實用 R 程式設計。台北市:碁峯資訊股份有限公司。
  4. 郭英勝、鄭志宏、龔志銘、謝哲光(2018)。實用Python程式設計。台北市:碁峯資訊股份有限公司。
  5. 郭英勝(2017)。實用LibreOffice Writer文書處理。台北市:碁峯資訊股份有限公司。
  6. 郭英勝、鄭志宏、龔志銘、謝哲光(2016)。實用 Python 程式設計。台北市:松崗資產管理股份有限公司。
  7. 謝哲光、郭英勝、龔志銘、鄭志宏(2014)。實用 R 程式設計。台北市:松崗資產管理股份有限公司。
  8. 郭英勝(2004)。最新電腦概論。台北市:金禾資訊。
  1. Hsieh, J. G., Jeng, J. H., & Kuo, Y. S. (2019). Primary study on single index artificial neural networks based on penalized regression splines. Symposium conducted at the meeting of iFUZZY 2019, International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
  2. 李俊穎、郭英勝、謝哲光 (2019)。樹狀神經網路之初步研究。第十八屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會發表之論文,台中。
  3. 郭英勝 (2019)。卷積神經網路 dropout 之分析。第十八屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會發表之論文,台中。
  4. Kuo, Y. S., Lin, Y. L., & Hsieh, J. G. (2018). Some Extensions of Additive Support Vector Regressors. 第十七屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會發表之論文,澎湖。
  5. Lin, Y. L., Hsieh, J. G., Jeng, J. H., & Kuo, Y. S. (2017). Study on Model Selection of Support Vector Regressors using Wilcoxon Norm as Goodness-of fit Metric. Proceedings of 2017 Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, 金門。
  6. Kuo, Y. S., Lin, J. Y., Tang, J. C., & Hsieh, J. G. (2016). Lead-lag Compensator Design Based on Vector Margin and Steady-state Error of the Step Response via Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY), Taichung, Taiwan.
  7. Kuo, Y. S., Lin, J. Y., Tang, J. C., He, R. Y., & Hsieh, J. G. (2015). Step Response Based Lead-lag Compensator Design via Particle Swarm Optimization. Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY), Yilan, Taiwan.
  8. Kuo, Y. S. (2003). Learning of the Velocity Distribution in a Hydrocyclone Separator by Support Vector Machines. Symposium conducted at the meeting of International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  9. Kuo, Y. S., Hung, T. C., Wang, S. K., Lin, Y. L. & Tsai, P. F. (2002). A Numerical Study of Enhancement of Chip Cooling via an Oscillating Obstacle. 第十九屆機械工程研討會發表之論文, 雲林,台灣。
1. 李俊穎(民 108)。深層樹狀神經網路之初步研究。義守大學電機研究所,高雄市。
2. 唐家麒(民 106)。使用修正式粒子群聚最佳化演算法訓練類神