Eligibility Criteria and Requirement to Obtain a Degree
All citizens over 18 are eligible to enroll without requirement of any formal academic record or entrance exam. The OUK will assist all qualified students in obtaining all sorts of certificates, as we are also the life-long learning center and certificates issuing body to government officers.
All candidates with 128 credits(for high school graduates) or 168 credits (for non-high school graduates) will be awarded with B.A. Degree recognized by the M.O.E., with no constraint on the duration of the study.
All full time students have to complete 20 credit of courses before they can choose the subjects they would like to major in (After deciding a major, students are eligible to apply for credits transfer). The OUK adopts credits system, as full-time students have to complete all compulsory courses and receive at least 128 credits(according to Degree Award Regulation of the OUK, receipt of credits shall oblige to the following requirements: 20 credits of General Education, 26 credits of Core Module, 52 credits of Elective, 30 credits of Open Elective). Candidates with passing remarks in all subjects will be awarded a B.A degree in accordance with ‘Degree Conferral Law’.